Sunday, April 1, 2007

Conversation Guides: Easter Lesson

Here is the Easter Lesson for intermediate ESL students from the Conversation Guides file: Easter

Resurrection Eggs!

For many years now I have used the commercially made 'dozen eggs' children's tool to teach the Easter Story to my students.

Each of the 12 'egg' cups in the egg carton contains a small symbol from the Biblical account eg. a stone to represent the stone rolled over the tomb; a wine cup; a piece of rope, etc. All these are presented in a certain order and can be used with or without the reading of the appropriate scripture, depending on the group you are teaching.

These kits can be made at home or purchased at a Christian bookstore, costing between $ $20.

Oshawa and Ajax ESL teacher

Movie and Discussion

In our ESL conversation group we watched and discussed the movie hosted by Larnelle Harris called "The Passion - The Last Days of Christ". (This is not the Mel Gibson movie.) It is part of The Visual Bible series with Bruce Marchiano playing Jesus. The video runs for 45 minutes. I wrote discussion questions and prepared information on the historical and cultural background to help my ESL students understand the context of the events. The movie divides the last days of Jesus into six parts - The Triumphant Entry, The Last Supper, The Garden, The Betrayal, The Crucifixion and The Resurrection. I played each section and then stopped the tape to discuss what had happened. Please see the two page handout with all the discussion questions.
In addition, as an ESL group we will attend the Easter Drama and Music Production at our church.

- Carolyn

ESL Holy Week

Here is an Easter lesson for intermediate and advanced students.
